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Silvia Erazo

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behind Nadine Backhouse

Chilean Chemist, just retired University Chile


Ciasca ME et al. 1971 Un nuovo glucoside flavonolico dalla Vestia Lycioides: quercetina-3-α-(2-O-β-D-glucopiranosil)-D-glucofuranoside in Italian

Quaglio D, Corradi S, Erazo S, Vergine V, Berardozzi S, Sciubba F, Cappiello F, Crestoni ME, Ascenzioni F, Imperi F, Delle Monache F, Mori M, Loffredo MR, Ghirga F, Casciaro B, Botta B, Mangoni ML. Structural Elucidation and Antimicrobial Characterization of Novel Diterpenoids from Fabiana densa var. ramulosa. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2020 Jan 30;11(5):760-765

Erazo S, Delporte C, Negrete R, García R, Zaldívar M, Iturra G, Caballero E, López JL, Backhouse N. Constituents and biological activities of Schinus polygamus. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Oct 11;107(3):395-400

Erazo S, Muñoz O, García R, Lemus I, Backhouse N, Negrete R, San Feliciano A, Delporte C.2002 Constituents and biological activities from Muehlenbeckia hastulata. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. ;57(9-10):801-804

Erazo S, Zaldívar M, Delporte C, Backhouse N, Tapia P, Belmonte E, Delle Monarche F, Negrete R. 2002 Antibacterial diterpenoids from Fabiana densa var. ramulosa Planta Med. 68(4):361-3

Quaglio D, Mangoni ML, Stefanelli R, Corradi S, Casciaro B, Vergine V, Lucantoni F, Cavinato L, Cammarone S, Loffredo MR, Cappiello F, Calcaterra A, Erazo S, Ghirga F, Mori M, Imperi F, Ascenzioni F, Botta B.2020 ent-Beyerane Diterpenes as a Key Platform for the Development of ArnT-Mediated Colistin Resistance Inhibitors. J Org Chem. 85(16):10891-10901

García R., Erazo S., R C Peña 1995 Flavonoids and alkaloids from Cuscuta Biochemical-Systematics-and-Ecology (United Kingdom). 23(5):571-572.

Erazo S., García R & dela Monacche EM 1990 Rev Latinoamericana de Quimica 21(2):2

Garcia R, Lemus I, Rivera P & S.Erazo 1997 Biological and chemical study of paico (Chenopodium chilense, Chenopodiaceae) j ethnopharmacology 57(2):85-88

Erazo S García Latorre I 1987 especies autóctonas chilenas usadas en medicina popular Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia 53:296-301

Erazo S, García R Mendez F, Latorre I, Negrete R 1991 Metabolitos secundarios de Adiantum talictroides ...var.hirsutum Revista Latinoamericana de química 22(1):5-6

García R ... 2005 Antmicrobial activity isopteropidine

Erazo S, Negrete R, Zaldívar M, Backhouse N, Delporte C, Silva I, Belmonte E, López-Pérez JL, San Feliciano A. 2002 Methyl psilalate: a new antimicrobial metabolite from Psila boliviensis. Planta Med. 68(1):66-7

Erazo S, Muñoz O, García R, Lemus I, Backhouse N, Negrete R, San Feliciano A, Delporte C. 2002 Constituents and biological activities from Muehlenbeckia hastulata. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. 57(9-10):801-4
