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Barbara N Timmermann
(*Suffolk)[1] [2] chemist based at University Kansas[3]
editorial:Thematic Issue:Plants polyphenols and health Issue
Gu JQ, Eppler CM, Montenegro G, Timmins SD, Timmermann BN. Identification of nematicidal fatty acids and triglycerides from seeds of Jubaea chilensis by GC-EI-MS and chemical transformation methods. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. 2005 Jul-Aug;60(7-8):527-33
Valcic Wächter Montenegro PMID: 916727 [4]
G.A. Wächter, S. Valcic, M.L. Flagg, S.G. Franzblau, G. Montenegro, E. Suarez, B.N. Timmermann 1999, Antitubercular activity of pentacyclic triterpenoids from plants of Argentina and Chile, Phytomedicine, 6, 5, 341-
Withanolides from Jaborosa caulescens va. pinnatifida
Flavonoids and triterpenoids of Luma gayana
Valcic, Susanne, Montenegro, Gloria, Mujica, Ana-Maria, Avila, Guacolda, Franzblau, Scott, Singh, Maya P., Maiese, William M. and Timmermann, Barbara N.. "Phytochemical, Morphological, and Biological Investigations of Propolis from Central Chile" Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, vol. 54, no. 5-6, 1999
Orlando Muñoz et al Propolis from chilean Matorral
Melisa Flagg et al. Pentacyclic triterpenes from Chuquiraga ulicina
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