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Anna Reynvaan Lecture
This stub is derivative from the same lemma in Dutch wikipedia copyedit needed |
The Anna Reynvaan Lecture has been an annual lecture in Amsterdam since 1999. Until 2018 the lecture was organized by Nurses & Carers Netherlands, the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam, the nursing magazine Bijzijn, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. Since 2019, the organization has been in the hands of Amsterdam UMC, V&VN, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the magazine TvZ. The lecture will be held in the Stadsschouwburg in the spring and spoken by a leading foreign nurse. The lecture is named after Anna Reynvaan (1844-1920), a Dutch nurse, who was deputy director in the Buitengasthuis and in the Wilhelmina Gasthuis in Amsterdam. The equivalent is The Anatomy Lesson, a medical public lecture at the intersection of medicine and society since 1994, for which a speaker is sought each year who is internationally leading in his or her discipline. The lecture of De Anatomische Les is given in the main hall of the Concertgebouw.[1] Links