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Orlando Muñoz
Orlando Muñoz (July 23rd 1945 [1] in Santiago de Chile) is a Chilean Chemist. Just retired at Chemistry Faculty (Facultad de Ciencias Univ. Chile) <ref>[ Portafolia academico]</ref> Muñoz and Peña (2009) do not able to isolate alkaloids of Chilean Ephedras, as is was reported by Hairfield and Hairfield (2002) on the same samples. [2] [3] [4]
- Alcalde-eon C Rivas Gonzalo, J., Muñoz Muñoz, O. y Escribano Bailón, M. (2013). Schizanthus grahamii and Schizanthus hookeri. Is there any relationship between their anthocyanin compositions and their different pollination syndromes?. Phytochemistry 62-71.
- Muñoz O., Christen Philippe; Cretton Sylvian; Barrerao Alejandro; Lara Armando et Herrador M Mar 2011 Comparison of the essential oils of leaves and stem bark from two different populations of Drimys winteri a Chilean herbal medicine Nat Prod. communications
- Muñoz O & J Casale Tropane alkaloids from Latua pubiflora
- Muñoz OM, Maya JD, Ferreira J, Christen P, San Martin J, López-Muñoz R, Morello A, Kemmerling U.2013 Medicinal plants of Chile: evaluation of their anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. 68(5-6):198-202
- Montes, M. and T.Wilkomirsky «Plantas medicinales de uso en Chile»
Muñoz O., T Wilkomirsky and M Montes 2004 «Plantas medicinales de uso en Chile» Química y Farmacología ISBN 956-11-1514X
- Muñoz O. et Fajardo V. 2005 «Flora de Chile. Biología, Farmacología y Química» ISBN 956-296-038-2
Muñoz O.& Peña, RC 2009. Investigaciones recientes en la determinación de residuos de pipas arqueológicas de Chile Central. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia, Natural, Chile 58:83-89
- Peña RC & O.Muñoz Cladistic relationships in the genus Schizanthus (Solanaceae)
Humam M et al. 2011 Chirality and Numbering of Substituted Tropane Alkaloids
Muñoz Copaja, Speisky R C Peña y G.Montenegro Quimica Nova 30
Muñoz O et al. Comparison of the essential oils of Drymis winteri NPC
Quimica Nova 2007
Cucurbitacin Glycside from Kageneckia oblonga Rosaceae
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