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Guido den Broeder (The Hague, 28 February 1957) is the founder and owner of Wikisage. He is a Dutch econometrician, author, politician, chess player, micronationalist, myalgic encephalomyelitis advocate and basic income advocate. He is the founder and chair of the ME Vereniging Nederland and the Stichting ME Research. He was also a board member of the Vereniging Basisinkomen and the Schaakvereniging Rotterdam. On April 1st, 2015 Den Broeder started the micronation Paraduin.

He is a myalgic encephalomyelitis patient (since 1987) and advocate. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


Den Broeder gained international fame with the development of the macro-econometric model AMO-K, which for some 15 years was used to study a number of strategic policy scenarios for The Netherlands.[1][2] From 1990-1995, he was a member of the Economic Committee of the Dutch political party GroenLinks.[3] He was a representative in Rotterdam from 1994 to 2002.

An accomplished chess player, he gained the title of FIDE Master and became champion of the Rotterdam region on two occasions. He finished second in the Dutch Correspondence Chess championship of 1980/81, and authored a number of tournament books.[4][5]

On 1 April 2015, as a protest move, he declared his Rotterdam home as part of a micronation, Paraduin. This was after The Netherlands denied him welfare and the Dutch court refused to hear his case leaving him without means to survive.[6][7]

Den Broeder was an executive producer of the action thriller The Russian Bride, released in 2019. It features a desparate father going to extreme lengths to find a cure for his son, who suffers from a mitochondrial disease.[8] He also wrote the sciencefiction/fantasy novel Bellerophon, about a young man with brain damage who has to find his way in a strange world to fulfil a heroic destiny.[9]


On May 12, 1987, Den Broeder fell ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, and never recovered. The diagnosis arrived at his house while he was playing a chess tournament in Hungary in 1990, where he succumbed to exhaustion halfway the event.[10] During the years that followed, he tried but failed to receive disability benefits, despite having been fully insured.[11]

In a letter to GroenLinks chairman Ab Harrewijn, 1996, Den Broeder asked for political attention to the plight of ME patients in the Netherlands.[12] A budget of € 2.72 million (6 million gulden) was eventually set aside by Dutch parliament for biomedical research into ME. However, after the Gezondheidsraad produced an advice on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in 2005, the money was squandered on studies into cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) for CFS patients.

In 2004 Den Broeder was one of the leaders of a patient revolt against the board of the government-subsidized ME/CVS-Stichting Nederland, which denied ME and CFS patients influence on the foundation's positions and activities. To give patients a voice and counter the foundation's propaganda of CBT/GET, he co-founded the ME en CVS Vereniging in 2005, later renamed to ME/CVS Vereniging. As a chairmain (two periods) and guideline representative, he educated patients and doctors about the difference between ME and CFS. He furthermore criticised the publications of the Dutch Health Council and the decisions of the Dutch minister of health.

When in 2011 the International Consensus Criteria for ME were published and CFS got classified away from ME in the ICD10-CM (published in 2015), the decision was made to disband the ME/CVS Vereniging. Den Broeder founded the ME Vereniging Nederland, the national patient organization for ME in the Netherlands. He has served as chairman until this day. Also in 2011, he founded and became president of the Stichting ME Research, a foundation whose purpose is to conduct, promote and interpret research into myalgic encephalomyelitis. He initiated several ongoing projects, including Wetenschap voor Patiënten (Science for Patients). Den Broeder's YouTube channel DossierME shows presentations and interviews from that project.

Den Broeder is a basic income advocate,[13] and served as a board member of the Vereniging Basisinkomen for 13 years. On several occasions he has suggested that ME patients would profit from the introduction of a basic income, leaving behind the 'unfavorable lottery' that the current system for disability benefits has to offer. Findings by the Stichting ME Research indicate that half of the ME patients in The Netherlands have no or insufficient income.

Together with Wendy Boutilier and John Gabor, Den Broeder founded the international group Global Advocates for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in 2016. GAME supports the application of the International Consensus Criteria for ME.


  • 1981 Drs in econometrics, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Interviews & Talks


Myalgic encephalomyelitis

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • 2006 "Advies inzake het ZonMW-Onderzoeksprogramma Chronisch Vermoeidheids Syndroom", ME/CVS Vereniging,
  • 2006 "E. van de Putte, 'Exploring Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adolescents' (proefschrift)", book review, Lees ME 1, December, p42-45
  • 2007 "Gezondheidsraad, 'Verzekeringsgeneeskundig protocol Chronische-vermoeidheidssyndroom'", book review, LeesME 2, May, p44-45
  • 2007 "Advies aan ZonMw inzake de tweede ronde van het Onderzoeksprogramma CVS", May
  • 2007 "NICE Guideline", review, Lees ME 3, October, p32-35
  • 2009 "Chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom: een psychoneuro-immunologisch perspectief", comments, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, October, p786-787
  • 2010 "Het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom. De beoordeling door verzekeringsartsen", included comments, Inspectie Werk en Inkomen, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, November
  • 2012 "Commentaar op het concept van de CBO-richtlijn CVS", ME Vereniging Nederland, 12 April

Patient advocacy

Online Presence

Learn more

See also


  1. 1985 J.A.M. Heijke, J. de Koning, R.J.M. Maas, G. den Broeder, "A model of the Dutch Labour Market (AMO-K)", De Economist, 133-4
  2. 1988 G. den Broeder, "Alternatieve heffingsgrondslagen voor de sociale zekerheid. Micro-, meso- en macro-economische effecten", Nederlands Economisch Instituut / Magnana Mu Publishing & Research
  3. 1993 G. den Broeder, "GroenLinks 1995-1998, Financiële vertaling van het ontwerp-verkiezingsprogramma", Economische Commissie GroenLinks, 2 August
  4. 1994 J. de Hooge, M. de Zeeuw, H. van Bekkum (eds.), "De weg van Kralingen naar CAP VOLMAC Rotterdam. 1924-1994, 70 jaar van een topclub", Rotterdam: Cap Volmac BV, p195-197
  5. 2016 Nederlandse Bond van Correspondentieschakers, "Correspondentieschaken in Nederland. 50 Jaar NBC 1966-2016", Gent: Thinkers Publishing, ISBN 978-90-425100-4-4, p116-119
  6. 2014 "Rotterdam weigert bijstand aan voorzitter ME Vereniging", news item, ME Vereniging Nederland, 13 July
  7. 2015 "Weg uit Nederland", news item, Paraduin, 1 July
  8. 2018 The Russian Bride comes to Porto, news item, Paraduin, 18 December
  9. 2017 Ogidius, "Bellerophon", Paraduin Productions, October
  10. 2009 "The chess games of Guido den Broeder", comment,, 19 April
  11. De Volkskrant (2003), "WAO geen verzekering tegen ziekte", 23 May
  12. 1996 G. den Broeder, letter to Ab Harrewijn, 14 February
  13. 1991 G. den Broeder, A. de Roo, "Basisinkomen - omdat het kan", GroenLinks



Title Year Role Director Notes
The Russian Bride[1] 2018 Doctor, executive producer Michael S. Ojeda Premiere 26 June 2018[2]


  1. "The Russian Bride", Reigning Entertainment (retrieved 20170418)
  2. Cinepocalypse 2018, Music Box Theatre, Chicago (retrieved 20180708)